About the Foundation for Public Code

About us

This index


  1. Information and processes
  2. Our sites

We help open source projects for public organizations to become successful, build sustainable communities around them and create a thriving public open source ecosystem.

Our mission is to enable public-purpose software and policy that is open and collaborative.

We do this through ecosystem level codebase stewardship of both software and civic code, enabling collaboration and reuse at scale.

Information and processes

The About site was up until April 2024 home to all of our staff information, decision-making rules and processes. It was our staff manual that can be developed collaboratively with the community and reused by everyone.

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Our sites

Our home page at publiccode.net features a high level overview of codebase stewardship, and our team bios.

Additionally, we have separate sites that show our projects, how to use the brand and our blog.