About the Foundation for Public Code

Process contacts after an event

This guide


  1. Add contacts to Odoo
  2. Follow up
  3. Share knowledge internally

Add contacts to Odoo

If you agreed to keep in touch with someone at the event, add them as a contact in Odoo to enable that connection. Do not enter more details than what was shared with you for that purpose.

Follow up

The way to follow up depends on what kind of interaction you had with the person at the event. If you had a good conversation with someone or heard them giving a good talk, consider sending them a brief thank you. Everyone that gives us inspiration in some way furthers our mission and deserves to be recognized. Other follow-ups could include sharing more information on the Foundation for Public Code, the Standard for Public Code, or any other topic relevant to the conversation you had.

When you do follow up, include an invitation to the mailing list to give them the option to subscribe to more news about us. Do not add them manually unless that was agreed upon explicitly.

As we meet people in many different places, we often play the role of a connector and introducing people to each other is a common way for us to add value. However, make sure to always get consent to do so before introducing people to each other.

Share knowledge internally

If a person you meet would be interesting to other staff members, brief them about your meeting and introduce each other in a medium that makes sense for the contact.

Always document and share with the rest of the team the contacts made.