- Review action items
- Action: Boris will draft a proposal to hire a ‘medewerker administratie’
- Follow up: Boris to post the advertisement on LinkedIn
- Action: Boris to plan a meeting with GoedopOrde and Eric
- Follow up: Boris plan a meeting with the bookkeeper and Eric, including walkthrough through the system
- Completed: Boris to plan with Eric to do monthly salary run and payment
- Completed: Get a financial report on a regular basis in a structured format for easy publication
- Action: Ben will make a statement of support or partnership agreement for approval by the board
- Follow up: Ben will ask everyone where this process is at and how it can be advanced
- Action: Boris will draft Memo for VNG on supporting the gemeente ecosystem and both a low and high engagement memo for Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
- Follow up: Boris will ask the stewards to draft something in English
- Ongoing: Ben pursue philanthropy & relationship with public administrations in North America through winter
- Completed: Ben proposes a set of deliverables with which to make an initial two-month contract
- Action: Discuss who to hire next in January
- Action: Ben will invite strategic council to add to the roadmap with the goal of informing the policy plan
- Completed: Ben will post the roadmap link on about.publiccode.net
- Completed: Eric to review merged conflict of interest and sick leave pull requests, deduplicate and reference authoritative sources
- Completed: Eric to organize for Eric and Boris to respond to Employer Without Establishment set up
- Completed: Eric to work with Boris to prepare a salary structure proposal for the next board meeting
- Action: Boris will draft a proposal to hire a ‘medewerker administratie’
- Proposal on staff salary structure
- Action: Eric to calculate the effect of this suggested policy on the burn rate
- Any other business
- Ongoing learning and self-improvement
- Action: Boris to formulate policy proposal for ongoing learning with support of the organization
- Policy for keeping property on offboarding: an employee can request an offer from the Board of Directors
- Ongoing learning and self-improvement
- Approve meeting minutes
- Ben Cerveny approves
- Eric Herman approves
- Boris van Hoytema approves
- Next meeting