About the Foundation for Public Code

Financial model for the Foundation for Public Code

This resource


  1. Overview

This content outlines the objectives of the Foundation’s financial model.


The Foundation for Public Code is a non-profit association. Its mission is to enable public-purpose software and policy that is open and collaborative.

We are currently largely financially supported by philanthropists who share our commitment to our mission. To prevent undue influence, all donations are unearmarked and go into our general operating budget, in compliance with our status as a Dutch public benefit organization (ANBI). See our philanthropy policy for more information about how we work with philanthropists and donations.

In the future, we aim to secure the long term financial sustainability of our organization through a blend of structural funding, contract work and philanthropic gifts.

Our core funding is used to cover all operational costs such as: staff salaries, work-related travel, hosting and attending conferences and events, office expenses, and associated materials like the Standard for Public Code.