About the Foundation for Public Code

Communication manager at an association of public entities. Civil servant

This resource


  1. Anna
    1. Personality
    2. Bio
    3. Motivations
    4. Goals
    5. Frustrations
    6. Behavior
    7. Influences
    8. Apps


General Role Family Salary
36, Barcelona Communications Manager at an association of public entities Lives with her partner €50K

Picture of Anna


  • Perfectionist.
  • Social person. Enjoys being the touchpoint in between different stakeholders: municipalities, tenders, etc.
  • Good at campaigns creation.
  • Empathy.
  • Procurement background.


Anna has recently joined the association and thinks it is a good career opportunity. Before that, she was involved with several public organizations, from municipalities to Ministries at least for 9 years.

She follows other top-notch municipalities, provinces and countries around the world to see how their communications are done and likes to gather with colleagues from all over the world. In her free time she enjoys swimming and traveling.


  • Create a vast network of stakeholders (80%).
  • Establish as a reliable professional in the public sphere (80%).
  • Reduce the quality gap in between private and public organizations (60%).
  • Hands-on her own city/country projects (60%).


  • Unify the style of the Communications.
  • Get more UX collaboration.
  • Develop her first big gathering of stakeholders.


  • Bureaucracy and procurement can be exhausting sometimes.
  • COVID-19 has changed the way physical events are done.
  • Sometimes other managers don’t keep her in mind for developing projects.


  • Creativity (80%).
  • Events (80%).
  • Campaigns strategy (70%).
  • English speaking (30%).


  • Ministries and big municipalities (Public Relations).
  • Organization culture.
  • Palo-Alto startups.
  • Psychology.


  • Mailchimp.
  • Google Analytics.
  • Hootsuite.
  • GitHub.