About the Foundation for Public Code

Project manager at an association of public entities. Civil servant

This resource


  1. Lisa
    1. Personality
    2. Bio
    3. Motivations
    4. Goals
    5. Frustrations
    6. Behavior
    7. Influences
    8. Apps


General Role Family Salary
41, Essen (Germany) Project Manager at an association of municipalities Married + 2 teen kids €70K

Picture of Lisa


  • Empathy.
  • Organization.
  • Team worker.
  • Responsible.


Lisa joined the association of municipalities five years ago. In her previous job at a private company she nurtured a vast network of those who are her clients (municipalities) nowadays.

She is a business management professional with a stable life. She enjoys spending time with her family and biking with her husband on Saturdays.


  • Efficiency (90%).
  • Contribute to the common good (40%).
  • Organizational change/innovation (70%).
  • High skilled team (80%).
  • Promotion (80%).


  • Create a good environment in her team.
  • Deliver projects on time with the best quality.
  • Hire a realiable vendor.
  • Advance with small steps but qualitative ones.


  • A lot of politics involved.
  • New tools to learn.
  • A lot of uncertainty and risks associated with Public Code.


  • Retrospectives (90%).
  • Trainings for her team (60%).
  • Freedom to her team (60%).
  • Open Source (40%).
  • Documentation (40%).


  • MBA.
  • Newsletter of German civil servants.
  • Peers in other countries.
  • Lean.


  • Intranet of her organization.
  • Microsoft Teams.
  • DB Navigator (public transport in Germany).