The Foundation for Public Code’s illustrations add colour and humanity to the abstract subjects we deal with. Our illustrations are licensed CC-0, meaning anyone can do anything with them.
Our illustration contractor is Floris Deerenberg.
These are the steps for commissioning a new illustration.
- Raise an issue in the illustration repo. Please include what content it needs to accompany or where in your work it would be helpful for you to have an illustration. We like this example.
- Floris and the communications coordinator will respond with clarifying questions and prioritisation so you know what to expect.
- Floris will do work his magic: produce sketches free associating on your idea.
- Floris will share his sketches for a steer: first in the design system chat for communications team feedback, and next on the Github issue. Please give feedback on the Github issue, so others can also participate.
- Floris will refine the illustrations you both agree are most promising to the format you need them.
- Floris will publish them on Github for you to use!