About the Foundation for Public Code

Offboarding and payroll administration

This guide


  1. Offboarding for operations coordinator
    1. Transferring ownership of Google documents when deleting a user
  2. Offboarding for employee
  3. Debrief (optional)

After an employee has resigned the manager sends a acknowledgement of the resignation and determine the official end date for the employee.

Before the end date the following has to be determined:

  • Determine if employee has remaining holidays or if the employee has remaining unpaid leave
  • Ask employee to return any equipment in loan from the organization or agree on a payment by employee to keep these. If specific arrangements have been made make sure they are documented
  • Calculate the final salary and provide details for the end calculation to employee
  • Ask employee to hand over access keys to office
  • Ask employee if they have downloaded their payroll slips and year summaries from Tentoo
  • De-register person as employee with the tax office and UWV

Offboarding for operations coordinator

The operations coordinator needs to delete user accounts and revoke user privileges.

Before deleting the user from the Google Workplace make sure you first delete the user account and/or revoke privileges from the current tools in use. Also check if theire are any user accounts on virtual machines that may need to be deleted.

Transferring ownership of Google documents when deleting a user

When you delete a user from Google Workplace the software will ask to transfer ownership of the Google documents towards another user. Make sure you to do this or else you will loose documents.

Offboarding for employee

If the employee agrees to the terms and has no further questions, offboarding takes place as follows:

  • All belongings of the Foundation for Public Code are returned or you have made an arrangement with your manager whether you can keep it or pay to keep these items
  • In case of your own device you will delete information that is either marked as SECRET or confidential
  • Inform people in the open source communities you worked with that your are leaving
  • Facilitate the transfer of your ‘work in progress’ by, for example, transferring issues assigned to you to relevant colleagues, reviewing old issues you created to assess whether they are still relevant, cleaning up and deleting any personal kanban boards and stale branches, and moving content from temporary tools (such as HackMD) to pull requests, issues, or otherwise providing colleagues with an overview of this content

Debrief (optional)

During time of employment the employee has a unique perspective on the organization and its people. It is therefore valuable to organize a debrief where (if employee feels comfortable with it) the employee has the option to provide constructive feedback on the things the employee has learned and what the employee thinks could be improved upon.

The debrief can be in either a meeting or through email whatever form the employee is most comfortable with using.