About the Foundation for Public Code

Running a community call

This guide


  1. Before the call
  2. Templated agenda items
  3. 1. Opening the call
    1. No show
    2. Introduction round
    3. Short update from the Foundation for Public Code
      1. Optional intro to the Foundation
  4. 2. Substance of the call
  5. 3. Closing the call
  6. After the call

The roles on the community call are:

  • the chair, who opens the call on behalf of the Foundation
  • experts leading specific substantive sections of the call (otherwise this is the chair)
  • the notetaker

Before the call

The chair and the notetaker:

  • create a notes document for this call
  • add “updates since the last community call” to the notes - keep this to three items or fewer (we want the community call to be a dialogue, not a broadcast). If possible, focus on community related updates
  • put these in the call notes doc
  • update the agenda and link it
  • send out invitations (template)

Ask the communications coordinator if you need help with Foundation updates.

The notetaker will take notes during the call in the same document.

Have each person join the call on a separate connection aligned with our conference call etiquette.

Templated agenda items

  1. Opening the call
    • Introduction round (all)
    • Short update from the Foundation for Public Code (chair)
  2. Substance of the call

1. Opening the call

Call-in link: https://meet.na.publiccode.net/FoundationCommunityCall

No show

If nobody joins at the call starting time, wait at least 15 minutes before closing the call. If possible, leave the call open the entire hour for potential late drop-ins.

Introduction round

The chair:

  • welcomes everyone to the community call on behalf of the Foundation for Public Code
  • briefly mentions what is on the agenda for today (without being so specific that discussions start)
  • notes that the call will be minuted, but not recorded, and the minutes published on our blog. Everyone on the call will get the chance to review and fix the minutes before they’re published
  • asks everyone to introduce themselves - who are you, do you represent an organization, what’s your interest in public code or the topic for this call?
  • starts with themselves
  • asks someone else to go next (for example, someone they know to be excited about the topic, or a friend of the Foundation, or an extrovert)
  • keeps track of who’s introduced themselves and nudges anyone who hasn’t by the end

Short update from the Foundation for Public Code

The chair:

  • thanks everyone for introducing themselves
  • asks if everyone’s familiar with the Foundation
  • gives optional Foundation intro
  • gives update since the last community call (from the notes document)

Optional intro to the Foundation

The Foundation for Public Code is a member-driven, member-funded and member-governed association of public organizations.

We work to enable open and collaborative public-purpose software for public organizations internationally.

The Foundation for Public Code supports software at the codebase level through codebase stewardship and by publishing the Standard for Public Code.

2. Substance of the call

The chair explains:

  • the substantive agenda
  • any timekeeping plans (to manage expectations - is this a free form or strict agenda?)

The chair then either:

  • hands over to the (first) substantive expert
  • facilitates discussion of the substantive agenda themselves

3. Closing the call

When either the time is up, or all topics have been exhausted, the chair:

  • asks if anyone has anything else to add or ask before closing the call
  • reminds everyone that there is another call in a month and asks for suggested topics for that call
  • explains that the minutes will be sent out for review
  • thanks everyone for participating in the call

After the call

The notetaker reworks the call notes into a call summary.

The notetaker shares the call summary with people who were on the call for amendment and approval before: