The work of the Foundation for Public Code impacts a wide set of stakeholders. This set of resources helps to understand our users, and how our work does or may impact them.
Existing pain points
- Understanding the pain points that public organizations have with their digital infrastructure
Existing enabling policies
- Understanding the types of enabling policies that can help public organizations and civil servants
Value proposition hypotheses
These are hypotheses for the reasons why the following probable user groups may be interested in our work, and the value proposition we could offer them.
Decision makers and sponsors
Users and contributors
- the policy community
- developers, designers and the open source community
- business management and procurement for public administrations
Affiliates and partners
- vendors and the private sector
- non-governmental organizations and non-profits aligned with our mission
Other interested parties
- end users (residents and citizens)
- journalists and academia
Additional resources
- common pitches for different opening lines to use based on who your interlocutor might be.